Up one level Roger's Pictures

Miho & Otsu

 7 October 2023

We started the day going to the Miho Museum in the hills south of Lake Biwa and then stopped at the ZeZe Pottery Museum in Otsu.  There we learned it was the eve of the Otsu Matsuri and all the Gion-style floats and mechanical dolls would be on display.  The festival is documented to at least 1638 and includes 13 two-storey tall floats with large dolls and musicians.  Since they don't parade on the eve of the festival, we got to see the dolls displayed at eye level and the bridges set up to board the floats!  We got there a bit early, but the music and crowds picked up as it got dark... 

new highway cnstruction

new highway cnstruction

new highway cnstruction

pedestrian tunnel to Miho Museum

pedestrian bridge to Miho Museum

old pine

red pines

Miho Museum entrance

just starting to turn red...

just the edges...

the extent of the maple color so far...

South Asian head of Buddha

religious facility on the next ridge

Miho Museum atrium

rock garden

rock garden

shadows and light

Roman mosaic floor

cosmos in the tea room

entrance to the pedestrian tunnel

entrance to the pedestrian tunnel

pigeon on the roof

harvesting rice

new highway construction


empty bus stop


ZeZe pottery Museum tea room,Otsu

ZeZe pottery Museum garden, Otsu

ZeZe pottery Museum garden, Otsu

ZeZe pottery Museum garden, Otsu

south end of Lake Biwa

gate in Rokasensuiso temple. Ishiyama

stone Jizo statues on corner

Megmilk -- I guess they deliver?

Kawaragahama Station

Chimaki -- rice dumplings wrapped in straw to protext a house from evil

mechanical dolls for the former Kagura-yama festival float -- rare tapestries originally for Chinese civil servants uniforms hundreds of years ago...

festival float Shojo-yama

festival float Shojo-yama

festival float Shojo-yama

mechanical dolls on display -- Chinese tale about a virtuous man Gaofen gifted a never ending barrel of sake by Shojo...

Otsu city manhole cover

festival float Nishinomiyaebisu-yama

mechanical dolls - Ebisu (one of the 7 lucky gods) fishing for seabreem with his assistant Taro

festival float Nishinomiyaebisu-yama

festival float Nishinomiyaebisu-yama

festival float Nishinomiyaebisu-yama


festival float Nishinomiyaebisu-yama

noren (with chimaki hanging above right)

Hotei - another of the 7 lucky gods...

mechanical dolls for Sesshoseki-zan -- cloistered Emperor and a court lady that was really a fox in human form, later turned into a rock...

mechanical doll -- court lady that was really a fox in human form

mechanical doll -- apparenty the cloistered Emperor

festival float Sesshoseki-zan

festival float Sesshoseki-zan

lantern for Sesshoseki-zan

festival float Sesshoseki-zan

old tapestry on Sesshoseki-zan

end of axle on festival float

local store

entering the pedestrian shopping zone

lantern - Shojo-yama (float with story about the sake barrel)

lantern- Momo-san

old wooden pieces on storefront

lantern - Tenson Shrine

lantern for Kakkyo-yama - a Chinese tale about finding a gold pot when preparing to bury his starving child...

festival float Seiobo-zan

festival float Seiobo-zan

festival float Seiobo-zan

mechanical dolls for Seiobo-zan

mechanical dolls for Seiobo-zan - sacred female hermit called Seiobo

mechanical dolls for Seiobo-zan - Emperor granted a peachtree that only blooms once

mechanical dolls for Seiobo-zan - peach boy emerges from that single peach

festival float Seiobo-zan

models of all the floats in the Otsu Matsuri Hikiyama Pavilion

festival float Seiobo-zan - dragon ornament

festival float Seiobo-zan - musiians on the bridge

festival float Seiobo-zan - drummers on the float

lantern with symmbols of longevity -for festioval float Gekkyuden-zan in which similarly attired dancers perform for the Emperor

lantern for festival foat Jingukogo-yama - Empress Jingu and her bow

lantern for festival float Kagura-yama faeturing sacred dancing

lantern for Komeikisui-zan - military trategist causing river to sweep away his enemies

Hotei lantern

festival float Komeikisui-zan - Chinese stratigist Kongming causes water to rise and sweep away his enemies

young musician

mechanical dolls for festival float Komeikisui-zan - Chinese stratigist Kongming


rows of lanterns

the crowwd grows


festoval float Gekkyudem-zan -- a boy wearing a tortoise and girl earing a crane hat dance for the Emperor


festoval float Gekkyudem-zan -- a boy wearing a tortoise and girl earing a crane hat dance for the Emperor


mechanical dolls for festoval float Gekkyudem-zan -- a boy wearing a tortoise and girl earing a crane hat dance for the Emperor

having fun at the sales booth...

festival float Genji-yama


Genji-yama lanterns



festival float Genji-yama


festival float Genji-yama

mechanical dolls for festival float Genji-yama -- Murasaki Shikibu writing the historical novel

mechanical dolls for festival float Genji-yama -- Murasaki Shikibu writing the historical novel

mechanical dolls that rotate around Murasaki Shikibu figure

Genji-inspired lamp

Genji-inspired lamp



Chinese style writing

mechanical dolls for Kakkyo-yama -- a Chinese tale about finding a gold pot when preparing to bury his starving child...

musicians on Kakkyo-yama float

festival float Saigyozakuratanuki-yama -- about a poet you loved cherry trees


tea canisters

folding screen in 2nd floor window

Kyoto Tower

jAlbum 10