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Ikebana Events in Kyoto

11-14 June 2012
Barb attended a 4-day workshop, we joined friends from the Baltimore group for a 10 course tofu dinner, and attended the gala farewell banquet.

Ikenobo in Cyrillic

Metal Rikka Shofutai of Narcissus

Choose one of these 3 variants to arrange...

Prof Nakamura correcting arrangements

Barb's Rikka Shofutai, before correction

Barb's Rikka Shofutai, after correction 

A look of exasperation...

Students working on hanging moon arrangements

Hanging moons and boats...

Sample hanging moon arrangement

Barb's Defune (departing ship arrangement)

A windy lunch at Rokkaudo

Swan at Rokkakudo

Prof Nakamura correcting arrangements

Prof Nakamura correcting arrangements

Prof Nakamura correcting arrangements

Barb's Jiyuka (free style)

History of changes in the Rikka style

Taking the vase into account with Rikka Shimputai

Prof Nakamura correcting arrangements

Class working on Rikka Shimputai

Barb's Rikka Shimputai - before correction

Barb's Rikka Shimputai -- after correction 

A custom insert for sunabachi container

Friends from the Baltimore Group

Roger & friends from the Baltimore Group

Friends from the Baltimore Group

Barb & friends from the Baltimore Group

Morning sun reaching the Jizu at Rokkakudo


Barb's Gyodoike, divided water materials

Detail of Barb's Gyodoike

Monk statue at Rokkakudo

Good fortunes tied to weeping willow

Barb's Jiyuka -- free style expressing the trade winds of Hawaii

Class working on Jiyuka

A hanagasa or flowered hat dance

A hanagasa or flowered hat dance

Geisha dance

Geisha dance

Sharing a laught with Alice and Kida-sensei

Farewell banquet

Daryl at banquet

Detail of Maiko's neck and hair

Posing for more pictures...

On the other side of the camera!

Part of the Honolulu Group with the Headmaster

Most of the Honolulu Group with the Headmaster

Part of the Honolulu Group with Noda-sensei

Part of the Honolulu Group with Noda-sensei

Roger & Maiko

Most of the Honolulu Group

JAlbum 7.0