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Ikenobo Ikebana Luncheon

11 March 2018

The Honolulu Chapter of Ikenobo Ikebana held its annual general membership meeting and luncheon.  The main event this year, aside from the buffet lunch,  was the installation of new officers for the next two years, accompanied by a small exhibit of students' arrangements and a very busy white elephant and homemade goodies sale and vase auction.  This year we also had beautifully painted note cards to select from donated by a relative of one of our members. 

Exhibitors describing their arrangements

Exhibitors describing their arrangements

Exhibitors describing their arrangements


Shoka shofutai

Group Jiyuka

Shoka shimputai

Shoka shimputai

Rikka Shimputai

Shoka shimputai


Shoka shimputai

Shoka shimputai

Summarizing the last 4 years

Outgoing officers

Incoming officers

Turning over the gavel

Introductory remarks

jAlbum 10