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Ikebana Study Tour

31 Oct - 13 Nov 2015

Barb attended ikebana workshops at Ikenobo headquarters 31 Oct - 3 Nov with Professor Manabu Noda and at the Ikenobo Junior College 6-8 Nov with Professor Kiyotaka Kobayashi.  The study tour culminated with a banquet hosted by the visiting professors on 13 Nov.

Rokkakudo in the morning

Fortune slips on the weeping willow

Incense burner


Lighting incense



Notes for Rikka with Narcissus

Class arranging rikka isshiki with suisen

Class arranging rikka isshiki with suisen

Class arranging rikka isshiki with suisen

Class arranging rikka isshiki with suisen

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Barb's rikka isshiki with suisen before correction

Barb's rikka isshiki with suisen after correction

The class nexst door at the end of the day

The class nexst door at the end of the day


Morning light at Rokkakudo

Sleeping swan

Not sleeping swan

Bell & ropes at Rokkakudo

Fudo myou at Rokkakudo


At Rokkakudo

Class arranging rikka shimputai

Class arranging rikka shimputai

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Student's rikka shimputai

Student's rikka shimputai

Student's rikka shimputai

Student's rikka shimputai

Barb's Rikka Shimputai before correction

Barb's Rikka Shimputai after correction

Notes for Shoka isshuike with kakitsubata iris

Noda-sensei's examples for the day

Noda-sensei's sample Shoka isshuike with kakitsubata iris

Noda-sensei's sample Shoka isshuike with narcissus

Class arranging shoka isshuike

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Waiting for sensei...

Waiting for sensei...

Barb's shoka isshuike with suisen narcissus before correcdtion

Barb's shoka isshuike with suisen narcissus after correcdtion

Barb's shoka isshuike with kakitsubata iris before correcdtion

Barb's shoka isshuike with kakitsubata iris after correcdtion

The Honolulu contingent at Rokkakudo

Notes for Shoka isshuike with Omoto (Rhodea japonica)

Noda-sensei's sample Shoka isshuike with Omoto (Rhodea japonica)

Class arranging rhodea japonica

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangements

Barb's Shoka isshuike with Omoto (Rhodea japonica) before correction

Barb's Shoka isshuike with Omoto (Rhodea japonica) after correction

Jizo at Rokkakudo

Kannon at Rokkakudo

Reflection of ROkkakudo in West 18

Clay pigeons?

Jizo at Rokkakudo

Sleeping Jizo

Noda-sensei's sample Jiyuka free style arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Noda-sensei correcting student arrangement

Student arrangement

Student arrangement

Student arrangement

Student arrangement

Barb's Jiyuka free style arrangement before correction

Barb's Jiyuka free style arrangement after correction

Prof Kobayashi lecturing on Rikka Shofutai

Prof Kobayashidemonstrating Rikka Shofutai

Prof Kobayashi's sample Rikka Shofutai

Yummy looking bento!

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement


Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Barb's Rikka Shofutai

"Right long, left short" -- at least from Buddha's perspective on the scroll in the traditional mitsu-gusoku display of incense burner, stork candleholder and flower arrangement

Lecture on Shoka Shimputai - main elemets are the vase, the mizugiwa and the relationship between the shu and yo

Prof Kobayashi describing the placement of the shu and yo

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Barb's Shoka Shimputai

By the front entrance

By the front entrance

By the front entrance

By the front entrance

Calligraphy exhibit near the front entrance

Calligraphy exhibit near the front entrance

Calligraphy exhibit near the front entrance

Calligraphy exhibit near the front entrance

Placement of shu and yo in divided Shoka Shimputai

Placement of shu and yo in divided Shoka Shimputai

Placement of the 2 kenzan in divided Shoka Shimputai can be anywhere

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Student arrangement

Student arrangement

Barb's divided shoka shimputai

Lecture on Jiyuka - free style: classical arrangements appreciate the beauty of the entire material, but in free style we can pick which piece (leaf, stem, flower) to focus on

Sample upright and slanting arrangements

Sample emphasizing depth

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Prof. Kobayashi correcting student arrangement

Student arrangement emphasizing depth

Barb's Jiyuka free style arrangement

Answering a question about the color of the rock in Suiriku-ike (a traditional divided land and water arrangement)

Answering a question about Gyodo-ike (divided water materials creaing a fish path...)

Senei Ikenobo makes a few remarks, translated by Noda-sensei

Senko-sama addresses the crowd in English

First course...

Serving drinks

Dinner entertainment

Dinner entertainment

Dinner entertainment

Dinner entertainment

Dinner entertainment

Dinner entertainment

Mandatory tourist shot...

Table photo

The Ikenobo family leaving

The remaining Honolulu contingent


Everybody in...

Parting shots...

Parting shots...


What? Another?

jAlbum 10